The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Follow your Intuition….

A message from Jacinda

If you are here right now, then I know you are here for a reason.

If you’ve imagined what waking up with purpose could feel like, living effortlessly in your perfect gifts or have a desire or calling for change, then I’m so excited and grateful you are here. Chances are you feel scared, uncertain and confused about what you need to do or if you should do anything at all, but I’m here to tell you that this is a very real, powerful and life altering transformation waiting to happen.

I’m going to give you your power. I’m going to give you choice. I’m going to give you freedom. The only transformation that matters is the one that begins from inside of you. We focus solely on your inner journey and how to understand your unique alignment because when you transform from there, your purpose and future opportunities happen effortlessly and life explodes. From there, you create your own world – one that is magnificent beyond imagination.

If you’re ready to transform your life on every single level and believe that you’re being called to this change, I’m here to be of service, to support and guide you, and it is absolutely worth it. The transformation happens from the second you say yes.

 Our Services

boho woman

Evolving You Journey

Are you a Woman who would like to improve her mindset, overcome blocks & find clarity around their purpose + focusing on nourishing the soul?
Join a gorgeous group of like minded Women on this 6 week online Journey to Evolving You.

women's circle

Women’s Soul Immersion

Women’s Soul Immersion is like-minded Women coming together in Circle. It is a place of love, safety and support.

Honour what it means to be female with strength, support and wisdom. A safe and sacred space for women to connect with each other, to their heart space + mind, heal and learn from each other, while nourishing the soul.

women mentoring

Mentoring 1:1

Your invitation to connect with Jacinda and join forces to achieve your goals and desires.

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Reiki is unconditional love. Everyone simply has the natural ability to give and receive love. Receiving Reiki allows us to tap into that innate, natural ability and connect with it. Ultimately, Reiki is not something we do, but rather, it is who we are – pure consciousness.


“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did,
But people will never forget how you made them feel.
-Maya Angelou